The Great Indian Rural Mall Part -6: Exploring Agriculture Fairs

Welcome back. Hi! I am Ajay Adlakha, Editor-in-Chief of Rural Marketing business portal, and if you have been following my blogs and videos you already know how close my mission is to my heart on simplifying rural marketing for the marketers. Right now, I am doing a six part series on The Great Indian Rural Mall. In this series, you have already read blogs on Rural Haats, Melas, Sports, Festivals and Mandis. To continue the series, let me welcome you to the sixth and final episode of this series with a new perspective on Agriculture Fairs.
India being an agrarian country with more than half of its population dependent on agriculture, has a lot to gain from the related activities. Agriculture Fairs and Exhibitions open big opportunities for agriculture input and output companies such as tractors, farm machinery, agrochemicals, food processing companies and other farm solution providers.
Marketers are always on lookout for the new customers whether it is urban or rural. The urban market is getting saturated while there lies immense opportunity in the rural markets. Moreover, today’s villagers are well informed and exposed consumers, youngsters are new x-factor and to reach them, fairs give you ample opportunity to interact with.
There are six main reasons you should explore this platform for simplifying your rural marketing activities such as opportunity to exhibit and demonstrate your products and services; building dealers and distributors network; technology dissemination; opportunity to be a speaker; conducting research; building PR; and making direct interaction with the TG.

Friends, agriculture fairs are places where brands can demonstrate their products and solutions to the farmers. To analyse this growing market, it is important to see the state of cash flow into the agriculture sector. In the financial year 2018-19, increasing the agriculture credit by 10%, Government of India has set a target for banks and financial institutions to disburse Rs 11 lakh crore to the farmers as institutional credit. The credit flowing into the market is going to increase the sales for farm solution providers. Hence, the agricultural fairs generate great opportunities for marketers.
Over the years, the agricultural fairs have been leapfrogging. Along with the Centre, many states have started organising these fairs on grand level, providing a platform for connecting agriculture companies with the farming community. Today, Union Agriculture Ministry, state agriculture, horticulture and allied departments, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) along with its research institutes as well as 67 agriculture universities spread in every nook and corner of the country are the major organisers of agriculture fairs in India. Besides, industry chambers such as FICCI, CII, Assocham and PHD Chamber have been giving special impetus on agriculture fairs.
Witnessing the mass gatherings, agriculture fairs culminate into big revenue. And thus, no marketer should ignore them. So friends, gear up for maximum number of customer accusation from this great farmer gathering platform. It will give a turnaround to your financial results. In case you need any planning in participating in these fairs, you may write or get in touch with us.
Friends, as I have been receiving ample request to cover different subjects in rural areas, I will try my level best to cover those areas in my forthcoming videos.
If you have missed any episode, watch the previous episodes of this full series on my channel. If you want something more interesting just let me know and you will have it. See you soon with a new video next week on another interesting topic which will help you in simplifying your rural marketing.